AMBA AXI Protocol Interview Questions - Xilinx, Sicon, Ensilica and Mobiveil

Difference between AHB and AXI?

Difference between AXI3 and AXI4?

What is AXI Lite?

Name five special features of AXI?

Why streaming support,it's advantages?

Write an assertion on handshake signals - ready and valid, ready comes after 5 cycles from the start of valid high?

Explain AXI read transaction 

What is the AXI capability of data interleaving?

Explain out-of-order transaction support on AXI?

Explain multiple outstanding address pending?

Any flow control mechanism in AXI?

How to ensure data integrity on AXI?

What is 'last' signal?

What are bursts and transfers?

Maximum size of a transfer?

Write response codes?

What is strobing in AXI?


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